Empowering Generations

At ROL Group we believe in an integrated approach to sustainable development. The benefits are economic, social, and environmental.

Our CSR strategy promotes sustainability and managing issues affecting people, the environment, and the community.


Rewarding | Respectful | Diverse | Inclusive

Empowering our people in embedded in our DNA. At the forefront of our success, our people are our strength and our biggest asset.

We empower our employees to deliver services that help others achieve more.


Our culture means we:

  • Nurture potential
  • Encourage training and development
  • Respect human rights
  • Prioritise well-being and safety
  • Protect privacy
  • Celebrate diversity
  • Create an inclusive environment


We encourage a healthy work-life balance for our people because we value their health and well-being. We also facilitate diverse working practices to ensure all employees are enabled and supported to be as effective, productive and happy as they can be.

We value and reward our people for their merits, develop and promote internally where possible, and provide fair and equal opportunities for all.


Help us protect our planet

ROL Group is committed to protecting our planet and continually improving the way in which we manage and reduce our environmental impact.

We are certified to ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard and we will continue to monitor and measure the environmental effects of our operations and set specific objectives to achieve their continued reduction.

We focus on areas where we believe our actions and investments can make the biggest impact:

  • Energy consumption
  • Carbon emissions
  • Use of resources
  • Waste to landfill
  • Environmental impacts of our supply chain
  • Design and development of solutions for our customers.


Our environmental and sustainability initiatives include:

  • Minimisation of waste by reduction
  • Re-use and recycling methods
  • Sourcing of energy-efficient and chemical-free products in minimal/recyclable packaging
  • Implementing energy-saving and upgrade schemes
  • Employing innovative strategies to reduce energy and fuel consumption, and prevent pollution.


Given the number of vehicles we have on the road, sustainable travel planning and route optimisation is vital to reducing fuel consumption and our carbon footprint.  This is further offset by the use of electric hybrid vehicles and safe driving initiatives, along with encouraging our employees to use public transport and partake in car/van sharing where feasible.


We are one community

We have an unwavering commitment to fulfilling our social responsibilities to the society and communities in which we operate.

We believe that the local and wider community in which we operate plays an integral role in our success and in light of that, we recognise our social responsibility to give something back.

We work to drive greater economic opportunity, inclusion, and the empowerment of people within our community.


Our philanthropic activities include:

  • Fundraising for local charities
  • Supporting training initiatives
  • Sponsoring community and sporting events
  • Volunteering in local school and community projects


We support community and employee engagement by supporting charities and events chosen by our staff, encouraging them to volunteer, and in turn giving them paid leave to participate in such pursuits.  As well as giving back to the community and improving relations, this also serves to motivate our people and advances their personal and professional development.

During recruitment drives, we actively advertise in socio-economic disadvantaged and minority areas and particularly welcome applications from candidates who have been long-term unemployed. Recruiting locally where possible, we believe that investing to strengthen our community will reap benefits not only for current generations, but for future generations to come.

Supply Chain

we focus on protecting worker's rights

ROL Group is committed to socially responsible sourcing and insists on ethical procurement practices within our own organisation and within our supply chain. We focus on protecting worker’s rights by treating our employees, suppliers and their workers fairly and ethically, and in turn expect our supply chain to do the same.

To ensure our employees and suppliers work in safe, fair and legal conditions, ROL Group undertakes to ensure that human trafficking and modern slavery are not present in any part of our business or our supply chain.

We only use approved suppliers and ascertain their suitability and status as an ethical trader by assessing and examining their employment practices, health and safety procedures, and environmental and sustainability policies. Suppliers are only approved further to demonstrating compliance, and are then subject to continual audit, review and ongoing performance monitoring.

Furthermore, we use local suppliers as much as possible, allowing us to support our local community and reducing the environmental impact of our sourcing, logistics and distribution practices.

Our customers can rest assured in the confidence that we take all possible measures to ensure that all workers employed by our suppliers, are treated fairly, with respect for human rights, and are never exposed to unsafe working conditions.